The Five Minute Photoshop Rule - Interactive Photoshop
Learn only what you need. Take advantage of 30+ designs ideas easy to follow along with in less then five minutes videos
Photoshop is a massive program with a lot to learn. We have cut the fat and just left you the meat. In this course we have structured the course to swing you directly to the section that delivers results. Don't feel bad by going directly to SECTION 5: Interactive Projects For Daily Use.
Assessable from your mobile device you can load up the the lectures and follow along with the exercise files we provide. The great thing about the course is you will be able to download the photoshop files and see directly on your computer how every interactive file has been structured.
You will have the power to pause us and interact with everything you will learn in this course step-by-step.
By skipping to SECTION 5: "Interactive Projects For Daily Use" You can master all the designs all in one day. As a matter of fact you can take a long lunch break and take it all in in 2.5 Hours.
We will be adding new design ideas to the course weekly to keep you fresh and creative! Facebook and Instagram better watch out because you images will POP off the screen and right into your friends lap! Just an idea.... You friends might become your clients once you learn how to quickly add great effect to your images that the pros use all over the world.
Who is using Photoshop daily?
- Animators
- Architects
- Astronomers
- People Who Want To Be Notice Online
- Commercial Printers
- Fashion Designers
- Film and Video Pros
- People Who Take ACTION
- Fine Art Photographers
- Everyday Photographers
- Instagram Rock Stars
- Everyday FaceBook Users
- Web Designers
- Now You
Adobe Says:
Web Developers
Web designers count on Photoshop Extended to help them enhance the photos and create the backgrounds, buttons, and 3D artwork that deliver just the right look for each client’s site.
Fine Art Photographers
With an image-editing toolset that offers unlimited possibilities for creative expression, Photoshop appeals to fine artists who use photography to express their unique perceptions and visions.
Fashion Designers
From humble logo tees to outré runway togs, fashion designs often get their start in Photoshop. Bring in a sketch, adjust line and drape, play with color and texture — and create tomorrow’s must-have looks.
This course will bridge the gap between the introduction of knowing how to use the tools the pros use and doing what everyone else is doing.
You have been looking for a gateway to greatness and now you have found the best examples the web has to offer. There will be more advanced courses to come, this course will give you a one up on all the procrastinators.
I started using Photoshop on version CS4 and I felt so left behind. Now that we are at CS6 I am so glad I got in the game when I did. ITS NEVER TOO LATE! Look up on YouTube "Girl Takes a Terrible Fall During a Race" for a extra push to get started :-)
Your Instructor

Self-Taught Graphic Designer
Daniel “Freedom” Portis is a web developer by day and a graphic designer by night. Using a variety of online resources, Daniel became an expert in photoshop and is now earning a living from it! These days he uploads his own videos to YouTube (as you can see below) to help others learn. Read on to find out how he taught himself how to become a graphic designer.
Tell us a bit about yourself
I am a Gemini and what they say is true- Geminis do have split personalities. For me, one of my personalities is good and the other is even better. I am a web developer by day and graphic designer by night.
How have your skills developed over the years?
Coffee and serious dedication have kept me going over the past few years. I am always looking to learn more and more. I am constantly sharpening and developing my skills by using tools like Lynda, Skillfeed, Udemy and of course YouTube. You can always learn from others in your field. That’s why a website like SkillPages has been needed for a very long time. It’s useful for connecting with other people who share your skill and learning from them.
Do you have any advice/tips for people interested in taking up your skill?
Be aware of all of the resources out there that can help you with your skill and don’t be afraid to try something new. I learned a lot on Code Academy but once I took the leap of faith to use Dreamweaver I haven’t looked back. Now I don’t have to write too much code because the program does a lot of the work for me. As for Photoshop, I learnt 95 per cent of my skills from YouTube. Many of the tools available to you to develop your skill are free so use as many as you can.
Don’t forget what goes around comes back around. I love the recommendations feature on SkillPages and I try to recommend as many people as I can. It’s all about good karma!